Have you received a warning on eBay?

Business on eBay is booming! Competition on the popular auction platform has risen sharply in recent years – unfortunately, this has also led to a steady increase in the number of warnings for online retailers. There are many reasons why warnings are issued to sellers. Usually a cease-and-desist declaration is sent directly, which is punishable by fine. If you have also been warned, we will be happy to help you within the scope of an Unlimited or Professional membership. 

  1. We help immediately – even retroactively
  2. You're at fault? We're here for you
  3. Experienced, specialized lawyers take care of your warning

Upload your written warning

Our qualified lawyers have many years of experience in this field - we check whether the warning is justified and represent you competently in all matters. It is not unusual for cease-and-desist letters to be sent out with the aim of collecting fees – so-called mass cease-and-desist letters. Another indication is, for example, the relationship between the lawyer and his client. Whether there is an abuse of legal warnings, however, must be checked in each individual case. In addition, we will be happy to advise you on how you can trade on the popular online marketplace in the future. 

Warning uploader

Send us all documents now. In order to be able to represent you retroactively, it is necessary to book the Unlimited or Professional membership package. You’ll also benefit from many other services, such as a shop inspection, legal text services and much more.

Assistance with legal warnings

  • Legal texts in 8 languages
  • Unlimited legal advice via e-mail and telephone
  • Assistance with legal warnings – no matter if it's your fault or not
  • Comprehensive shop inspection
  • Certification with Käufersiegel trust mark
Memberships in Detail

eBay Warning – 5 of the most frequent reasons for warning 

* All prices are net plus mandatory sales tax. The minimum contract term is 12 months.
** Help with warnings is a voluntary solidarity support service for members of the Händlerbund e.V. The conditions of the warning assistance result from the legal protection order of the Händlerbund e.V.